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WPCA Minutes, 5/2/06 Regular Meeting

Members Present:        Joseph Carino, Frank Ferrero, Ed Havens, Jr. and R. Max Scheller

Members Absent: Richard Aries, Robert Dickinson, and Carol Fletterick

Alternates Present:     Susan Rose sitting in for Robert Dickinson

Alternates Absent:      

Staff Present:  C. Fred Shaw, Superintendent of Pollution Control

Others Present: Alan Lamson, FLB Architecture
        Phil Forzley, Fuss & O’Neill, representing Evergreen Walk
Mr. and Ms. Charles Waltos, Applicants
John Bemis, property owner for 70 McGrath Road

Chairman Carino called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.  The following actions were taken during the May 2, 2006 Regular Meeting of the W.P.C.A.

Motion to move to Item C – New Business

Was made by Mr. Havens, Jr.
Seconded by Mr. Ferrero
The motion carried unanimously


        1.      Office Building South, Evergreen Walk-Buckland Road (approval to connect)

Mr. Phil Forzley from Fuss & O’Neill was in attendance representing Evergreen Walk, LLC and their application for a proposed office building to be located south of the ECHN building.  The Office Building South will require a pump station with a 1-1/2 inch force main.  The pump station will be oversized to handle any additional flow as needed.  Chairman Carino stated that an external electrical outlet is required for an emergency generator in the event of a power outage.

Motion to approve the connection to the Town’s sewerage system of a commercial building located on Buckland Road as more specifically shown on plans entitled “Office Building South, Buckland Road, South Windsor, Connecticut, Final Development Plan, Prepared by Fuss & O’Neill, Manchester, CT; “Location Map” Project No.: 2000481.C10, Sheet No.: GI.0.1, Dated 11/08/2002, with Revision Dates: 12/20/2005 3/15/2006, 3/30/2006 and 4/3/2006.  Also “Utility Plan” Project No.:00-481S10, Sheet No.:CU.1.2, Dated 12/20/05 with Revision Dates: 3/9/06, 3/15/06, 3/30/06, and 4/3/06; and also “Sanitary Sewer Details” Project No.: 2000481S10. Sheet No.: CU.5.2, Dated: 12/20/2005 with no Revision Date”, and subject to the stipulation that an external electrical outlet and CL&P power disconnect be supplied for an emergency generator in the event of a power outage.

Motion was made by Mr. Havens, Jr.
Seconded by Ms. Rose
The motion carried unanimously

        2.      239 Lawrence Road (approval to connect)

Mr. Shaw reported that the property owner at 239 Lawrence Road has submitted some plans that the Town has reviewed for a connection to the sewer on Lawrence Road.  This particular plan involves a pump and force main system extending 550 feet to the existing sewer at the corner of Lawrence Road and Vincent Circle.  The Town Environmental Officer, Mr. Robert Deptula surveyed all the homes on Lawrence Road that do not have access to public sewers (see Exhibit A for Mr. Deptula’s report.)  Mr. Shaw also reported that he talked to the property owner and his engineer concerning his plans and his options; two options were discussed.  Option number one involves a connection by force main, which may also involve agreements between those connecting to the system in the future for maintenance of the system.  Option two involves putting in a conventional gravity line in the center of the road, that would be installed at a slope and depth sufficient to serve any future extension of the main.  However, the engineer has indicated that the house was recently purchased and there was money put into escrow for the purpose of putting in either design system.  The applicant said that a gravity system could be installed for about the money they have in the escrow account as long as they weren’t required to put the laterals to serve five other properties to the north.  The applicant will put in the wyes to serve the five properties.

Chairman Carino showed concern about the precedent of permitting gravity line in Lawrence Road to accommodate five other houses but without laterals.  According to the WPCA policies, any developer putting in a sewer line is requested to put in the laterals.  Therefore, Chairman Carino was looking for a good reason to allow this developer to put a sewer in the public road without laterals.

Mr. Havens, Jr. stated that the a unique reason could be that a main gravity serves the greater good and it serves the greater South Windsor community by giving more opportunities for others to connect.

Ms. Rose stated that another unique reason could be that the applicant did not ask to put in the gravity system, the Town is asking them to do that because is a better solution than putting in a pump system.  Other suggestions were made, however, Chairman Carino requested Mr. Shaw to discuss this item with the legal representation for the Town and to prepare some language allowing the applicant to do this without having to change the WPCA policies.  Also, he wants to know the depth that the sewer main must be installed to serve the entire waste shed.

Chairman Carino asked the owner if he was interested in obtaining a developers agreement.  However, the Authority resolved that a developers agreement would not be beneficial to the applicant but the seller of the house, due to the fact that they would be using the money in the escrow account.  There was no further discussion and no motion was necessary at this time.

3.      70 McGrath Road (Add to Sewer User List)

A memorandum was submitted by Mr. Shaw regarding Unbilled Sewer User Charges for 70 Mc Grath Road (see Exhibit B)

Mr. Bemis, property owner of 70 Mc Grath Road was in attendance to dispute some of the billing charges.  He stated that he lived at the property since 2001.  He never received a bill in the mail during this period of time.  Now that he is trying to sell the property, he found out that there was a discrepancy with the permit.  Therefore, he feels that he should not be charged for the ten years that he did not live at the property, but he is more willing to pay the five years that he did live at the property.

Mr. Max Scheller asked if the property owner gets a break.  Mr. Shaw responded that the only break that the Town would allow is to give a period of up to four years to pay off the bill.  In this particular case they want to sell the property, therefore, they can not wait; they need resolve this matter.

Motion to add 70 Mc Grath Road to the residential Sewer User List and bill the resident for service in the amount of $3,000.  (See Exhibit B.)

Motion was made by Mr. Havens, Jr.
Seconded by Mr. Ferrero
The motion carried unanimously

4.      1496 John Fitch Blvd. (User Charge Adjustment UB Account #380520)

A memorandum was submitted by Mr. Shaw regarding Commercial User Charge Adjustment – 1496 John Fitch Blvd (please see Exhibit C.)  Mr. Shaw is requesting approval to make an adjustment to the current user charge bill.

Motion to approve the adjustments of the User Charge from $665.98 to $222.000 for the sewer user bill FY 2005/1006 for property located at 1496 John Fitch Blvd.  (See Exhibit C.)

Motion was made by Mr. Ferrero
Seconded by Ms. Rose
The motion carried unanimously

5.      735 John Fitch Blvd. (Remove from User Charge Billing List)

This item was on the agenda due to a misunderstanding of the address.  Therefore, there was no discussion needed.

6.      FY 2006/2007 Rate Review (Discussion)

A discussion ensued regarding the Comparative Statement of Estimated Revenue and Expenditures Alternations: 6% for 8 years with Grant (Exhibit D1), and Alternative: 8% for 8 years without Grant (Exhibit D2).  The Comparative Statement of Estimated Revenue and Expenditures is use to make projections of revenues and expenditures in the future.  Mr. Shaw recommended increasing the user charge by 8%, from $222.00 per year to $240.00 per year.  Also, the Town currently charges $85 for 1500 gallons of septic waste; Mr. Shaw recommended increasing it to $90.  In regard to meeting future debt service, operating and capital project expenditures, Mr. Shaw recommended the need to review these matters with an outside financial management consultant in development of a sound financial management plan.  Mr. Shaw previously discussed this subject with the Town Manager, and he agreed that this would be necessary.  Mr. Shaw will further discuss this item with the Authority at the next WPCA meeting; no motion was necessary at this point.

7.      Set date for Public Hearing on Rates for FY 2006/2007

Motion to schedule the WPCA Public Hearing for Tuesday, June 6, 2006 at 7:00 p.m.

Motion was made by Ms. Rose
Seconded by Mr. Ferrero
The motion carried unanimously

8.      Town of South Windsor Survey (Discussion)

The Town Satisfaction Survey (Exhibit E) was attached to the agenda for review of the Authority.  Should the Authority have any questions to be added to the survey please refer them to the Planning and Zoning Department by May 15, 2006.


E.      PUBLIC PARTICIPATION (Items not on the agenda)



1.      Secretary – Water Pollution Control Authority

Chairman Carino requested this item be postponed until the next WPCA meeting.  Also he requested postponing Item B until the next WPCA meeting.


Motion was made to postpone approval of the March 7, 2006 and April 4, 2006 minutes until the next WPCA meeting.

Was made by Chairman Carino
Seconded by Ms. Rose
The motion carried unanimously



Motion to adjourn at 9:45 p.m.

        Was made by Mr. Havens, Jr.
        Seconded by Mr. Ferrero
        The motion carried unanimously

Ether A. Diaz
Recording Secretary

Date Approved: July 18, 2006